2nd Mission Support Group

MISSION: Deliver unmatched mission support...empower Team Barksdale to fight and win today!

VISION: A family of ready and motivated professionals transforming Team Barksdale to fight and win tomorrow!

PRIORITIES: Integrity - Own the base, Service - Develop trusted professionals, Excellence - Hone your craft.



2nd Contracting Squadron



Accelerate global lethality through mission focused buying power.


Drive innovative contracting solutions at the speed of relevance.


Lethality & Readiness

Organizational Excellence

Airmen & Families



2nd Communications Squadron

MISSION: Defending cyberspace to empower global strike and support operations.

VISION: Innovative Airmen equipped to dominate adversaries in cyberspace.

PRIORITIES: Develop a highly effective and cohesive cyber team. Deliver and defend reliable communications. Deploy combat ready Airmen.




2nd Civil Engineering Squadron

MISSION: “Professional, ready engineers providing sustainable infrastructure and emergency services to support Team Barksdale’s global deterrence and assurance mission”

PRIORITIES: Focused Mission Support, Quality Customer Service, Balanced Airmen



  • 2017 AFGSC Operations Flight of the Year



Environmental Management

 At Barksdale Air Force Base, protecting the environment is one of our highest priorities and will be a major factor in decision-making. We are dedicated to continual improvement of our processes to prevent and reduce waste generation. We are committed to compliance with environmental laws and other requirements while reducing pollution at the source of generation.

The framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets includes considering significant environmental aspects and other factors most important to the base. Annually, the Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Council will review all objectives and targets to verify progress.

In all our activities, we will strive to:
a.    Promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural and manmade materials.
b.    Prevent environmental pollution and waste.
c.    Build environmental information into all levels of management to ensure environmental compliance.
d.    Achieve continual improvements in environmental performance and maintain compliance with all federal, state and local regulations.
e.    Work in partnership with all stakeholders to promote good stewardship with base personnel, contractors, the community, and regulatory agencies.

This policy will be made available to the public and the point of contact for this program is Mr. Roger Suiter, 2 CES/CEI, 456:4694.



2nd Logistics Readiness Squadron

MISSION: Provide agile logistics support…anytime, anywhere.

PRIORITIES: Drive 2 BW’s Mission through refined logistics capabilities and processes, Train our Airmen to Fundamental Excellence; Balanced Customer Service, Foster Pride throughout our work centers, Taking care of our families



  • DoD National Defense Transportation Association Unit Award – 2017


2nd Security Forces Squadron

MISSION: Protect Barksdale Air Force Base’s personnel and resources and defend the 2d Bomb Wing’s operational capability in order to enable nuclear deterrence, combat power, and combat support.

VISION: Empowered Defenders, providing world-class integrated defense operations for AFGSC to deter, assure, and strike… Anytime…Anywhere!

PRIORITIES: Mission, Airmen, Pride 



2nd Force Support Squadron

MISSION: Deliver cradle-to-grave mission support services to enhance well-being, readiness, and resiliency of Team Barksdale and the community.

PRIORITIES: People First: Agile, Responsive, Resilient
                      Mission Always: Innovative, Rapid, Ready


  • DAF 2022 Innkeeper of the Year​​​
  • 2022 Silver Flag Outstanding Team Award
  • 2023 AF A1 Military Personnel Flight of the Year
  • 2023 AFGSC A1 Child and Youth Flight of the Year





  • Best with what they’ve got: Protecting the firefighters

    A firefighter is not only able to do their job due to rigorous amounts of training, but because of specialized Personal Protective Equipment that safeguards them from the harmful situations they willfully enter to save the lives of others. For the 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron fire department, the

  • Best with what they’ve got: Weapons vault adjustment saves 100 man-hours

    The 2nd Logistics Readiness Squadron weapons vault houses more than 1,000 weapons and 14,000 weapon accessories that are set aside for Airmen during specific taskings such as deployments. Roughly nine months ago, the team tasked with oversight of the vault spearheaded a transformation to the

  • Dumping has consequences: Spring recycling guidance

    Every year as the weather warms up, people get in the cleaning mode. Garages and attics are emptied to make room for new items and since the base containers are in the way to work, some people use them to dump their unwanted items.

  • 2nd CES goes with the flow

    Airmen from the 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance shop perform monthly lift station inspections March 22, 2019.

  • 2 Comm Airman fixes F-35 software

    Not knowing what to expect, Senior Airman Troy Burns, 2nd Communication Squadron client systems technician, quit his job as a county jail corrections officer and left his hometown of Abilene, Texas to enlist in the Air Force and eventually be stationed at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, 374

  • Trouble tickets, service requests: What’s the deal?

    When a computer crashes or a phone won’t connect, the 2nd Communications Squadron gets contacted. When a light won’t turn on or there’s a hole in the ceiling, the 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron gets the call. A commonality between these two scenarios is a work order process - to the 2nd CS they are

  • A&FRC shows appreciation to local allies

    Barksdale’s Airman and Family Readiness Center hosted its Annual Holiday Open House on Dec. 7, 2018. The event was designed to show gratitude toward A&FRC community partners for their support throughout the year.

  • Barksdale updates handgun policy

    Barksdale’s policy on personal firearms has been updated to provide flexibility in the storage and transportation of these weapons while on base.