BCAT Agencies


Constructed on 22,000 acres of cotton fields in the 1930s, Barksdale Air Force Base has grown into one of the U.S. Air Force’s premier installations.
As the host unit, the 2nd Bomb Wing (2 BW) delivers devastating combat capability through deployable aircraft and personnel capable of executing both nuclear and conventional combat missions, while maintaining an elite force of expeditionary Air-men in support of combatant commanders around the world. The 2 BW oversees all aircraft maintenance and provides standardized weapons loading and academics training in support of the wing’s annual 1,100 sorties and 6,000 flying hours. As Barksdale celebrates its 85th year, it remains a vital component to United States national-security objectives and home of the world’s most versatile bomber fleet.
Barksdale serves as the headquarters for Air Force Global Strike Command, the 8th Air Force and the 307th Bomb Wing. Throughout its history, Barksdale has played a key role in supporting a variety of aircraft and defending the United States. It continues to serve in this role today by providing both conventional and nuclear capabilities to the world’s greatest Air Force.


Integrated Resilience Office


The Integrated Resilience Office focuses on primary prevention of interpersonal and self-directed violence across the installation in support of the well-being of Barksdale Airmen and their families to ensure a ready Total Force.


Department of the Air Force Integrated Resilience: https://www.resilience.af.mil/


Call: 318-456-2647

Chaplain Info

Your Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, and Chapel Communities are eager to meet your needs here at Barksdale. Chaplains are available for a variety of counseling needs - workplace stress, family issues, spiritual needs, and everything in between - and maintain 100% confidentiality. We invite you to check out our worship services, ministries, study groups, and programs for singles and families. If you need assistance finding contact information for a faith group other than those listed here, ask your chaplain for known available resources. Please let us know how we can help you; whether you’re looking for spiritual guidance or just someone safe to talk to, we’re available. We look forward to meeting you!



Religious: We currently offer Catholic and Protestant services on base
Counseling: 100% confidential counseling is available to all Airmen, family members and authorized personnel
Relationships: Quarterly and annual marriage/relationship seminars Annual Family, mil-to-mil, and single parenting retreats
Single Airmen (BAM): Weekly spiritual growth activities, monthly projects, and quarterly resiliency retreats


BAFB CHAPEL: www.barksdale.af.mil/Units/Barksdale-Chapel/
BAFB CHAPEL: www.facebook.com/barksdalechapel/
BAM: www.facebook.com/JustLikeBAM



For other faith group support, or for more information, please contact the chapel at 318-456-2111. We look forward to serving you and your family and help make Barksdale Air
Force Base a great place to connect, grow, and serve! 
Chapel 1 (In the Historic Housing)
275 Barksdale Blvd E 456-2111
* Duty Chaplain can be reached by calling the command post after duty hours at 456-2151

Our Agencies and Programs

What can we help you with?