2nd Mission Support Group

MISSION: Deliver unmatched mission support...empower Team Barksdale to fight and win today!

VISION: A family of ready and motivated professionals transforming Team Barksdale to fight and win tomorrow!

PRIORITIES: Integrity - Own the base, Service - Develop trusted professionals, Excellence - Hone your craft.



2nd Contracting Squadron



Accelerate global lethality through mission focused buying power.


Drive innovative contracting solutions at the speed of relevance.


Lethality & Readiness

Organizational Excellence

Airmen & Families



2nd Communications Squadron

MISSION: Defending cyberspace to empower global strike and support operations.

VISION: Innovative Airmen equipped to dominate adversaries in cyberspace.

PRIORITIES: Develop a highly effective and cohesive cyber team. Deliver and defend reliable communications. Deploy combat ready Airmen.




2nd Civil Engineering Squadron

MISSION: “Professional, ready engineers providing sustainable infrastructure and emergency services to support Team Barksdale’s global deterrence and assurance mission”

PRIORITIES: Focused Mission Support, Quality Customer Service, Balanced Airmen



  • 2017 AFGSC Operations Flight of the Year



Environmental Management

 At Barksdale Air Force Base, protecting the environment is one of our highest priorities and will be a major factor in decision-making. We are dedicated to continual improvement of our processes to prevent and reduce waste generation. We are committed to compliance with environmental laws and other requirements while reducing pollution at the source of generation.

The framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets includes considering significant environmental aspects and other factors most important to the base. Annually, the Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Council will review all objectives and targets to verify progress.

In all our activities, we will strive to:
a.    Promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural and manmade materials.
b.    Prevent environmental pollution and waste.
c.    Build environmental information into all levels of management to ensure environmental compliance.
d.    Achieve continual improvements in environmental performance and maintain compliance with all federal, state and local regulations.
e.    Work in partnership with all stakeholders to promote good stewardship with base personnel, contractors, the community, and regulatory agencies.

This policy will be made available to the public and the point of contact for this program is Mr. Roger Suiter, 2 CES/CEI, 456:4694.



2nd Logistics Readiness Squadron

MISSION: Provide agile logistics support…anytime, anywhere.

PRIORITIES: Drive 2 BW’s Mission through refined logistics capabilities and processes, Train our Airmen to Fundamental Excellence; Balanced Customer Service, Foster Pride throughout our work centers, Taking care of our families



  • DoD National Defense Transportation Association Unit Award – 2017


2nd Security Forces Squadron

MISSION: Protect Barksdale Air Force Base’s personnel and resources and defend the 2d Bomb Wing’s operational capability in order to enable nuclear deterrence, combat power, and combat support.

VISION: Empowered Defenders, providing world-class integrated defense operations for AFGSC to deter, assure, and strike… Anytime…Anywhere!

PRIORITIES: Mission, Airmen, Pride 



2nd Force Support Squadron

MISSION: Deliver cradle-to-grave mission support services to enhance well-being, readiness, and resiliency of Team Barksdale and the community.

PRIORITIES: People First: Agile, Responsive, Resilient
                      Mission Always: Innovative, Rapid, Ready


  • DAF 2022 Innkeeper of the Year​​​
  • 2022 Silver Flag Outstanding Team Award
  • 2023 AF A1 Military Personnel Flight of the Year
  • 2023 AFGSC A1 Child and Youth Flight of the Year





  • Mack’s bayou cleanup effort

    Barksdale has a problem with trashy bayous. Main base is surrounded by two waterways: Mack’s Bayou and Cooper’s Bayou. Not only does trash and debris accrue from littering on base, but trash filled water enters Barksdale from a drainage basin that originates in the surrounding Bossier City

  • Sediment polluting our waters

    When you see muddy tire tracks on the street, what is the first thing you think of? Maybe you think of off-roading on the weekends, or maybe it reminds you of how muddy it is from recent rain events. The last thing you might think of is mud and sediment as pollutants.

  • 2nd MSG welcomes new commander

    The 2nd Mission Support Group welcomed a new commander during a change of command ceremony at Barksdale, July 10, 2020. With their masks donned, audience members watched as Col. Randy Whitecotton assumed command of the 2nd MSG from Col. Sara Ann Custer. Col. Michael Miller, 2nd Bomb Wing commander,

  • Airmen, canines work paw-in-hand

    There are many reasons why members of the Department of Defense choose to put on the uniform and live a life of service to their country. For some, it’s due to the many unique professional opportunities that the DoD offers.This is no different for the military working dog handlers from the 2nd

  • FSS: Ensuring a Successful PCS

    In response to COVID-19, the Department of Defense issued a stop movement order, effective March 13, 2020. In compliance with this guidance, the Air Force implemented travel restrictions for all service members, to include those with an upcoming permanent change of station.

  • Planes don’t fly without fuel

    Barksdale houses the largest fuel storage capacity in all of Air Force Global Strike Command, which not only keeps the B-52H Stratofortress in the air, but also keeps the rest of the 2nd Bomb Wing moving.

  • DFAC Airmen keep the masses well-fed

    The Red River Dining Facility may not currently be bustling with crowds of dining Airmen because of social distancing and the implementation of health protection measures, but the staff is still providing top-notch service with piping hot meals to go.

  • Sustaining & maintaining

    Since the early 1930’s, Barksdale has persistently progressed from its humble beginnings as a cotton field in the middle of Northwestern Louisiana, to its current embodiment as the nerve center of the nation’s deterrent force.Barksdale Airmen take care of the mission, but who takes care of the base?