At Barksdale Air Force Base, protecting the environment is one of our highest priorities and will be a major factor in decision-making. We are dedicated to continual improvement of our processes to prevent and reduce waste generation. We are committed to compliance with environmental laws and other requirements while reducing pollution at the source of generation.
The framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets includes considering significant environmental aspects and other factors most important to the base. Annually, the Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Council will review all objectives and targets to verify progress.
In all our activities, we will strive to:
a. Promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural and manmade materials.
b. Prevent environmental pollution and waste.
c. Build environmental information into all levels of management to ensure environmental compliance.
d. Achieve continual improvements in environmental performance and maintain compliance with all federal, state and local regulations.
e. Work in partnership with all stakeholders to promote good stewardship with base personnel, contractors, the community, and regulatory agencies.
This policy will be made available to the public and the point of contact for this program is Mr. Roger Suiter, 2 CES/CEI, 456:4694.