5 p.m. Saturday, Vigil Mass, Chapel 2
9 a.m. Sunday & 5pm on Holy Days of Obligation, Chapel 2
Fellowship Social
Immediately following mass every first Sunday of the month, Chapel 2 Annex
Daily Mass
11:35 a.m. Wednesday - Saturday, Chapel 1
Religious Education
10:30 a.m. Sunday (September to May), Chapel 2 Annex
Retiree Bible Study
1 p.m. Monday (September to April), Chapel 2 Annex
6 -8 p.m. Tuesday (September to April), Chapel 2 Annex
Religious Education Classes are offered for preschool through adult level.
Catholic Programs offered:
Catholic Programs offered:
Baptism by appointment
Reconciliation after Mass or by request
Anointing of the Sick by request
Religious Education for youth and adults
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Women of the Chapel
Ministry of Hospitality (fellowships)
Servers of the Altar Choirs and musicians
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharistic
Pre-baptism and Pre-marriage Instructions
Adult Bible Study
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Confirmation for Youth and Adults
As ordained clergy of specific denominations/faith groups, our chaplains provide counseling, and perform baptisms, dedications, weddings, and other rituals and sacraments in accordance with the rules and guidelines of their churches. For specific ministries, make arrangements with the chaplain of your choice well in advance. Most events require preparation.
Protestant Worship Service (Main Base)
We welcome you to our multiethnic, gospel-infused worship experience 11 a.m., Sunday at chapel 2.
Communion observed on 1st Sunday of the month
Children's Church offered 2nd-4th Sundays
Fellowship Social
Immediately after Sunday worship every fourth Sunday of the month, Chapel 2 Annex.
Men's Study/Breakfast
Operation Give Breakfast - 9 a.m (first Saturday of each month) at Chapel 2 Annex, followed with volunteering
Protestant Programs Offered:
Retreats/Socials/Fellowship Activities
Seasonal Services and Activities
Premarital and Pre-baptism Counseling
Marriage Enrichment Activities
Films, Guest Musical Groups, and Speakers