2nd Contracting Squadron 



Accelerate global lethality through mission focused buying power.


Drive innovative contracting solutions at the speed of relevance.


Lethality & Readiness

Organizational Excellence

Airmen & Families

The 2nd Contracting Squadron provides professional operational contracting support on services, construction, and supplies to Air Force Global Strike Command, HQ Eighth Air Force, 2nd Bomb Wing, 307th Bomb Wing, and our mission partners. The squadron is comprised of a command section, three flights: Services, Construction, Commodities / Plans and Programs.

The squadron is comprised of mission-focused business leaders that drive modernization for customers and maximize readiness and lethality for customers through contracts. Members provide worldwide contingency contracting support to Combatant Commanders and expeditionary warfighting units. The 2nd Contracting Squadron focuses on executing compliant contracts, developing Airmen and taking care of families. Members continuously seek to improve contract timeliness/performance & reduce cost, provide trained/ready Contingency Contracting Officers to COCOMs.




Access to Barksdale AFB is limited to only those individuals with special authorization. Solicitations and contracts include information that describes any requirements for base access in order to perform contractual requirements. Please reference the Gate Hours tab for the most up to date gate and access information.



To allow maximum competition, projects over $25,000 are posted on a central website, https://sam.gov/. Opportunities are available for viewing by typing “FA4608” into the “Keyword Search” field. This will display opportunities at Barksdale Air Base.



The Air Force GPC program uses a commercial credit card that allows U.S. Government cardholders to make purchases up to $25,000 (certain rules apply).  To do business with our GPC cardholders, vendors must accept the card and be aware that the government is tax exempt (number available on request).

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  • Airman designs his career

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  • Contracting Airman develops program, joins Kessel Run

    In today’s war fighting efforts, innovation is a key component when it boils down to who comes out on top. That is why ground-breaking and out-of-the-box thinking is promoted and needed from all levels of personnel.Airman 1st Class Maxwell Lehmann, 2nd Contracting Squadron specialist, has been a

  • 2nd CONS Airman develops innovative accountability system

    The progression of the Air Force is structured and built upon the innovative ideas of Airmen at every rank.As an Airman basic, members are required to learn their job and how they fit into the Air Force. Airman Maxwell Lehmann, 2nd Contracting Squadron specialist, proved that individuals can go