2CPTS emblem

2nd Comptroller Squadron

MISSION: Provide trusted decision support and financial services to ensure nuclear deterrence, combat power, and combat support … Anytime, Anywhere!

VISION: Ready, Balanced, Better!

PRIORITIES: Build relationships, be accurate, always on time.

Operational Capabilities:

Look to the future and provide the warfighter the right level of support in a fiscally tight environment. Integrate info from every functional Group while providing quality advice with funding implications to the mission. Collaborate with partners for more productive cost estimation.


Economic Impact Statement for Barksdale Air Force Base


Finance Contact Info

Finance Walk-in Hours: 

Monday: 0900 - 1500

Tuesday: By appointment 

Wednesday: CLOSED for customer pay process 

Thursday: By appointment

Friday: By appointment 

CLOSED on all holidays and Wing Training/Down days.


Or Click Here to Schedule Appointment

  • Comptroller Service Portal (CSP)  
    • **This is the best way to communicate with Finance**
    • Customers can submit inquiries all day, every day
    • Best used with Google Chrome
    • https://csp.cce.af.mil/#/
  • PCS vouchers are only handled at the Welcome Center 
  • Civilian Pay and ATTAPS questions/issues need to be coordinated through your unit’s Timekeeper 
  • DTS questions/issues need to be coordinated through your unit’s ODTA or Approving Official (AO)  
  • GTC questions/issues need to be coordinated through your unit’s Agency Program Coordinator (APC)  
  • Cash Cage Hours:   0900 - 1100 during walk-in days 

Please let us know how we are doing: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=140585


To contact the Barksdale Finance Customer Service office with questions, submit an inquiry at Comptroller Services Portal (network computer only)

Appointments are available. If you would like to schedule an appointment submit an inquiry to our Comptroller Services Portal. Please note that if we can resolve your issues via inquiry we will and no appointment will be needed.


PCS In-Processing Briefing: PCS In-Processing will be taking place at the Welcome Center found at the second floor of the Mission Support Group building located at 801 Kenny Ave, Barksdale AFB, LA 71110. Please get with your local CSS for appointments.

Separation/Retirement Out-Processing briefing:

  • Date/Time: Every Tuesday from 1000-1100
  • Location: MSG Building Rm 2008 (801 Kenney Ave, Barksdale AFB, LA 71110)
  • Info: Ret/Sep briefings are for members that are 3 MONTHS from their estimated FINAL OUT DATE. Includes the distribution of ret/sep packages, a tutorial on how to properly fill out the package, along with info on leave, pay, entitlements, moving, travel, etc.

If you do not wish to attend the briefing, please click here to access the Comptroller Services Portal (CSP). The Retirement and Separation packet is located under the “Policy Memos & Guidelines” tab and can be submitted as an inquiry once competed.

  • Triad: Barksdale’s problem solvers

    Barksdale is one of the larger Air Force installations in the United States, and the Barksdale Triad is responsible for maintaining, supplying, and coordinating construction across all of it’s 22,000 acres.

  • Reinvigorating innovation: funding ideas into reality

    Base leadership gather around a table before an audience of onlookers, supporters and base personnel. Each Airman stands before the panel with sweaty palms, a knot in their throat and an innovative idea, all with hopes of receiving the jump start they will need to make their idea reality.

  • Barksdale Tax Center now open

    The annual free tax center is now open at Barksdale and is available to all base residents including active duty, reservists and retirees.

  • Fighting for the funds

    Mission, Airmen and pride, these three words are the 2nd Bomb Wing Commander’s priorities. What does this mean in regards to funding? How does the base receive money and where does it go?The 2nd Comptroller Squadron builds a new budget every year in order to allocate incoming funds to align with the