• Sensory Santa comes to Barksdale

    Every winter, millions of kids across America celebrate the holiday season with family and friends. Some go ice skating, others make gingerbread homes and many visit Santa to reveal what they want for Christmas. Seeing Santa has become an American tradition that usually results in a picture-perfect

  • Bruner family embraces new life

    It was more than five years ago when a family took their son in for a normal check up, however, their world changed when the doctor pieced together all of his observations and broke the news of a life changing diagnosis.

  • EFMP hosts dinner with Sparky

    The Exceptional Family Members Program hosted a Dinner with Sparky the Fire Dog for EFMP families at the Barksdale Airman and Family Readiness Center Oct. 12, 2018.EFMP was created in the early 1980s to help military families with special needs.