Twilight Air Show for Barksdale AFB personnel May 7 Published May 4, 2021 2nd Bomb Wing Public Affairs BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. -- On Friday, May 7, the Defenders of Liberty Air Show will host a Twilight performance exclusively for base residents, employees and their guests (guests must be sponsored by base personnel and hold valid passes): Attendees will access the flightline through the gate by the Fire Station on Lindbergh Road. Gate opens at 3 p.m., with the show running from 4 to 8 p.m. Parking will be arranged by filling the center first (yellow area on the parking map). Attendees will be arranged identically to the parking plan for the public shows on Saturday and Sunday. Attendees will be able to move about if they wish, but must remain in compliance with base COVID guidelines. There will also be an enlistment ceremony happening during the show with an area reserved for MEPS personnel. There will be reserved areas for residents from Holy Angels. There will be no food vendors. Attendees can bring food or drinks but MUST clean up their waste to avoid creating FOD hazards.