Tag: veteran
  • Remembering a 101-year-old legacy

    A memorial service was held on base to remember and pay tribute to the life-long service and legacy of the director of retiree affairs for Barksdale, July 31, 2020. Retired Col. Steven L. dePyssler, who served 38 years in the U.S. Army Air Corps and the Air Force, and the past 41 years volunteering with the retiree affairs department, passed away July 25, 2020.
  • Following Protocol: Planning with Conviction

    If you've ever attended or had to pull together an event on Barksdale, you may have had an encounter with Janice Jones, 2nd Bomb Wing chief of protocol, or her team.
  • Col. dePyssler’s service commemorated with building dedication

    The life-long service of a military veteran has been forever memorialized following the renaming and dedication of the 2nd Mission Support Group building at Barksdale during a ceremony on November 8, 2019. Retired Col. Steven L. dePyssler, director of military retiree affairs for Barksdale, served 38 years on active duty in the U.S. Army Air Corps and the Air Force. He has also spent the past 41 years volunteering with the retiree affairs department. He is believed to be the only known American to have served in World War II, the Korean War, the French Indo-China War, the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Vietnam War.
  • WWII, POW survivor shares tale of hope, determination, resilience

    The four pillars of resiliency -- physical, mental, spiritual and social -- are drilled into the minds of Airmen today to emphasize how important it is that no matter what life situation they are going through, there is always a healthy way to handle the situation.

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